Tuesday, September 8, 2009


So, big Fairhaven Waterfront 15K this weekend and I'm NOT READY AT ALL!! I've been such a slacker! It started with pretty much breaking my big toe on my left foot. (I dropped a drawer on it) it was painful, and crappy! But I think that's doing pretty well now.

Last weekend was Girls Camping Extravaganza at Lake Pearrygin in Winthrop! And because it freakin rained ALL WEEKEND, all we did was eat and drink, oh and play games. If there is a professional league for Mad Gab, I'm pretty sure I'd run that shit! =)

Today is Tuesday, and I am running tonight. I have to get in at least 4 miles or I'm going to be dying on Saturday! I figure if I get a few 3-5 mile jaunts in, I should be okay...right?

Oh well, not like I'm trying to break any records right?

Also, some really HUGE changes coming my way. I will know more this weekend after my Seattle trip! Looking like a new zip code, and a new profession. I'm excited and terrified at the same time!! This has been a long time coming, and really, I'm totally due for something new. And really, crossing my fingers for some really good things to come my way.

I think, when you put out good, you will get good back. I've been sacrificing myself for the sake of others far too much lately, and it's time to do what Erin wants! And I'm ready to do something a little selfish, and good for everyone around me in the long run. So, next week at this time, I will have some new and exciting news to share...HOPEFULLY!!!

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