Tuesday, October 28, 2008


So, me and my 6-year-old are driving in the car, on our way to Day Care listening to a not-so-local radio station. Being the Commitment-Phobe that I am, I'm not overly Loyal to any station, or genra of music. The Morning DJ and his co-horts are in the process of discussing testicles. Not super surprising given the ethical content of most morning radio shows. The mom in me is battling the curious Young (27 is still young) -mind-always-in-the-gutter alter ego as to whether I should turn the station, or turn it up in order to hear the outcome. When from the back seat I hear
"Yeah" --Oh holy shit, Did he hear the word Testicle? I'm pretty sure he doesn't know what that word means. But if the DJ had said " Nuts" or "Balls" He'd be in fit of Hysterics thinking about "those things under my PP"
"That guy on the radio is crazy!"
stifling laughter "Oh yeah? Why do you say that?"
"He said Testicle! I think he meant Tentacle."
Oh, my animal loving 6-year-old is so innocent.=)


Anonymous said...

That is a true classic! I love kids! Way to go on starting a blog!

Kimberly Hansen said...

You spelled "genre" wrong. Love, your best friend, the Spelling Whiz. You can just call me Whiz. Other than that, it's quite eloquent.

Anonymous said...

What a great story! I posted a blog that was inspired by these little boy comments. Keep writing - you crack me up and I love reading them!